
    What is your name?

    What is your best contact number?

    Where will you use the Company Profile?


    This helps us to understand your brand. Please answer each question with three words only.

    HEAD: Use three words to describe how you want customers to think of your business?

    HEART: Use three words to describe how you want customers to feel about your business?

    HANDS: Use three words that you want customers to use to describe how you do business?

    From the list below, what information would you like to include in your Company Profile?

    Company Name

    Company Logo


    Suppliers/Supplier Logos

    Descriptive Overview of Company (About Us)

    Statement from senior executive (Founder, CEO, MD)

    Company History

    Vision / Mission Statement

    Products and Services

    Project or Case study (specific example of a product or service)

    Market conditions and Competition

    Staff Organisation Chart

    Staff Roles and Experience Table (the Team)

    Financial Performance (this financial year)

    Financial Performance Predicted (future years)

    Accolades, Prizes, Achievements

    Customer Reviews

    Future Plans (business growth plans)

    Contact Details

    On receiving this form, we will be in touch with you to obtain hi-res photos, your website address, any other relevant documents and samples of any Company Profile designs that you like.

    For any questions about this checklist, please contact Anthony Lowe, The Roxburgh Group on 0409 925 917.